
The findings and research results obtained as part of the SEQUOIA End-to-End joint research project are presented to the scientific community in a series of publications. A particular focus here is on the application and implementation of hybrid quantum algorithms, the components of which are executed partly on conventional hardware and partly on quantum computers.

Scientific publications from SEQUOIA

[1] C. Tutschku, A. Sturm, F. Knäble, B. C. Mummaneni, D. Pranjic, C. Stephan, D. B. Mayer, G. Koßmann, M. Roth, P.-A. Matt, A. Grigorjan, T. Wellens, K. König, M. Beisel, F. Truger, F. Shagieva, O. Denninger and S. Garhofer, »Quantencomputing in der industriellen Applikation. Vom Algorithmen-, Markt- und Hardwareüberblick hin zu anwendungszentriertem Quantensoftware-Engineering«, 2023, 10.24406/publica-805

[2] N. Schillo and A. Sturm, »Quantum Circuit Learning on NISQ Hardware«, 2024,

[3] A. Sturm, B. C. Mummaneni and L. Rullkötter, »Unlocking Quantum Optimization: A Use Case Study on NISQ Systems«, 2024,

[4] N. Schillo, »Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Machine Learning for Differential Equations«, 2024,

[5] F. Truger, J. Barzen, M. Bechtold, M. Beisel, F. Leymann, A. Mandl, and V. Yussupov, »Warm-Starting and Quantum Computing: A Systematic Mapping Study«, 2024, 

[6] P.-A. Matt and Marco Roth, »A heuristic for solving the irregular strip packing problem with quantum optimization«, 2024,

[7] G. Koßmann, L. Binkowski, C. Tutschku and R. Schwonnek, »Open-Shop Scheduling With Hard Constraints«, 2023,

[8] A. Sturm, »Theory and Implementation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: A Comprehensible Introduction and Case Study Using Qiskit and IBM Quantum Computers«, 2023,

[9] S. Garhofer and O. Bringmann »Using an A∗-based framework for decomposing combinatorial optimization problems to employ NISQ computers« in Quantum Information Processing 22:357, 2023, 

[10] M. Beisel, S. Garhofer, F. Leymann, F. Truger, B. Weder, and V. Yussupov, »Quokka: A Service Ecosystem for Workflow-Based Execution of Variational Quantum Algorithms«, 20th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, 2022.

[11] M. Beisel, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, F. Truger, B. Weder and V. Yussupov, »Configurable Readout Error Mitigation in Quantum Workflows«, in Electronics, Vol. 11(19), MDPI, 2022.

[12] F. Truger, M. Beisel, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, and V. Yussupov, »Selection and Optimization of Hyperparameters in Warm- Quantum Optimization for the MaxCut Problem« in Electronics, MDPI, 2022.

[13] M. Scheerer, J. Klamroth and O. Denninger, »Fault-tolerant Hybrid Quantum Software Systems«, IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (QSW), 2022, pp. 52-57, doi: 10.1109/QSW55613.2022.00023

[14] J. Klamroth, M. Scheerer and O. Denninger, »QIn: Enabling Formal Methods to Deal with Quantum Circuits«, Quantum Physics and Logic 2022 (QPL‘22) Poster.

[15] B. Weder, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, and D. Vietz, »Quantum Software Development Lifecycle« in Quantum Software Engineering, Springer International Publishing, 2022 (arXiv).

[16] B. Weder, J. Barzen, M. Beisel, and F. Leymann, »Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms« in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2022), 2022.

[17] M. Beisel, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, F. Truger, B. Weder, and V. Yussupov, »Patterns for Quantum Error Handling« in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS 2022), 2022.

[18] D. Vietz, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, and B. Weder, »Splitting Quantum-Classical Scripts for the Generation of Quantum Workflows«, in Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing (EDOC 2022), Springer International Publishing, 2022.

[19] M. Weigold, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, and D. Vietz, »Patterns for Hybrid Quantum Algorithms«, in Proceedings of the 15th Symposium and Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSOC 2021), Sep. 2021, pp. 34–51, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-87568-8_2

[20] B. Weder, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, and M. Zimmermann, Hybrid Quantum Applications Need Two Orchestrations in Superposition: »A Software Architecture Perspective« in Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2021), 2021, pp. 1–13, doi: 10.1109/ICWS53863.2021.00015

[21] D. Vietz, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, and K. Wild, »On Decision Support for Quantum Application Developers: Categorization, Comparison, and Analysis of Existing Technologies«, in Computational Science — ICCS 2021, 2021, pp. 127–141, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77980-1_10

[22] D. Vietz, J. Barzen, F. Leymann, B. Weder, and V. Yussupov, »An Exploratory Study on the Challenges of Engineering Quantum Applications in the Cloud«, in Proceedings of the 2nd Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop (Q-SET 2021) co-located with IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE21), 2021, pp. 1–12.

[23] M. Scheerer, J. Klamroth, and O. Denninger, »Engineering Reliable Hybrid Quantum Software: An Architectural-driven Approach«, 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Software Engineering & Technology (QSET 2021).

[24] J. Klamroth, M. Scheerer, and O. Denninger, »Holistische Verifikation von Hybriden Quantenprogrammen durch Software Bounded Model Checking« Workshop Herausforderungen beim Testen moderner Softwaresysteme @ GI Jahrestagung 2021.

In preparation

[25] L. Rullkötter, B. C. Mummaneni, S. Weber and C. Tutschku, “Hamiltonian Simulation via Variational Block Encoding”.

[26] M. Scheerer, J. Klamroth and O. Denninger, „Detecting and Tolerating Faults in Hybrid Quantum Software Systems“.

[27] J. Klamroth, M. Scheerer, O. Denninger, B. Beckert, “Considerations on Fault-tolerant Simulations of Quantum Circuits using Floating-Point numbers”.

[28] J. Klamroth, M. Scheerer, O. Denninger, B. Beckert, “Verifying QAOA Implementations: A Case Study”.

[29] M. Fehling-Kaschek, C. Brockt-Haßauer, V. Shatokhin, A. K. Jain, A. Buchleitner, “Model Network Analysis on a Quantum Computer“.

[30] O. Voigt, K. Schroven, M. Fehling-Kaschek, “Optimizing Cascading Networks Using QC-Methods“.

Abschlussbericht SEQUOIA End-to-End